The rewards will change with total votes of TRON, total votes for the SR, your votes for the SR, SR type and voter's sharing rate set by the SR.
When you unstake TRX, the voting rights obtained through the stake will disappear and previous votes will be invalidated.
When canceling voting, due to TRON network restrictions, the total number of votes needs to be at least 1. If you want to cancel all, you can unstake all staked TRX.
Due to block failure and other reasons, the actual rewards may differ from the calculation result.
Calculation formula of rewards:
Vote for SRs (Top 27): Daily rewards = (((your votes for the SR) * 4,608,000 / total votes of TRON) * voter's sharing rate) + ((460,800 / 27) * voter's sharing rate) * (your votes for the SR) / (total votes for the SR) TRX
Vote for SR Partners: Daily rewards = (((your votes for the SR) * 4,608,000 / total votes of TRON) * voter's sharing rate) TRX