You can get resources (Energy/Bandwidth) by staking TRX:
1. Open your TronLink Extension and click “Stake”.
2. In the next page, please click “Obtain” if you want to obtain more resources.
3. You can choose whether to obtain “TRON Power and Bandwidth” or “TRON Power and Energy”, and then enter the amount of TRX you want to stake. Click “Stake”, and sign within your wallet.You can then see the “Tokens Staked” window.
How to use the Voting function:
1. Click “Vote”. To vote, you need to have staked TRX and obtained resources first.
2. In the next page, you can choose a Super Representative and enter the amount of votes first. Click “Vote”.
3. Click “Confirm to Vote”, and sign within your wallet. You can then see the “Voted Successfully” window.